اصطلاح Present

Present به عنوان یک اسم دو معنی دارد. A present به معنی یک هدیه است و The present زمانی است که ما در حال تجربه آن هستیم. هنگامی که شما به کسی می‌گویید در زمان حال زندگی کن، در واقع از او می‌خواهید فکرش را متمرکز حالا کند و بیش از حد ناراحت و نگران گذشته یا برنامه ریزی برای آینده نباشد.

Present as a noun has two meanings. A present is a gift. The present is the time we are experiencing at this very moment. When you tell people to live in the present you want them to deal with current events and not be too concerned about the past or planning for the future.


Don't worry if your former boyfriend cheated on you. Live in the present and find another person to love!

Johnny was keen to save money to buy a house. His friends told him to live in the present and go on a holiday with them.

Take note:

The expression there's no time like the present is used when you want to say that there is no reason to postpone something - that action should be taken immediately.


You've always wanted to visit your cousin in France. There's no time like the present! Go and buy a ticket now to fly there tomorrow.

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