اصطلاح Flag something up
اصطلاح Flag something up برای تاکید بر اهمیت چیزی و یا اشاره به آن به طوری که دیگران با آن آشنا شوند است.

To flag something up is to emphasise its importance, or to mention it so that others know about it.


At the meeting Martin flagged up the issue of late payments. He said that we hadn't paid our suppliers for three months.

There are a couple of points that I'd like to flag up today: one is the increasing number of customer complaints and the other is the problem with our computer system.


Take note:

If you are flagging, it means you are becoming weaker and running out of energy.


I worked really hard from 7am until lunch, but after lunch I was really flagging!

اشتراک گذاری


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