رایگان است و رایگان خواهد ماند
اگر شما بگویید چیزی One in the eye است برای کسی، به این معنیست که نا امیدی بزرگ یا شکستی برای او وجود دارد و این در حالیست که شما زیاد هم از این موضوع ناراحت نیستید (حتی خوشحال هستید).
If you say something is one in the eye for someone, it means that something is a big disappointment or a defeat for them - but you are pleased about their disappointment.
I got the job! That's one in the eye for John – I've never liked him and I was sure he would get the position. Ha!
Our winning the championship was one in the eye for our rival team – they are always boasting about their skills.
Take note:
If you see eye to eye with someone, it means you agree with them. If you don't see eye to eye, you disagree.
I like my new boss: we see eye to eye on how to run the department.
اگر شما بگویید چیزی One in the eye است برای کسی، به این معنیست که ...